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Rivanna Trails

Erosion Remediation on Meadow Creek

12 Oct 2019 7:53 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Over the next few months, maintenance work will be conducted on the Meadow Creek stream restoration project to address areas of streambank erosion. Annual monitoring reports have detailed some areas of instability following the initial restoration efforts. Spot repairs have been conducted over the past several years, but have not been successful at fully addressing the erosion. A detailed design has been developed for a more comprehensive repair to fix these problem areas and ensure long-term success.

Work will begin the week of October 14, and will take several months to complete. The majority of the work will be conducted in the upstream portion of the project, from Michie Drive to Pepsi Place. Two isolated areas in Greenbrier Park will also be addressed. The work will begin near Michie Drive, and the contractors will work from upstream to downstream and expect to be completing the work in Greenbrier Park in January. Activities to be conducted include removing select in-stream structures that are not functioning properly, grading in certain areas to reduce the steep height of streambanks and ensure the channel remains stable, and placing new structures made of primarily woody material at key locations to reduce erosive energy. Disturbance of existing plantings will be minimized as much as possible, and additional plantings will be installed where needed following the restoration work.

No trail closures along the RT on the east side of the creek are anticipated to be needed at this time.


  • 30 Jan 2020 5:33 PM | Anonymous member

    I had heard that some remediation was to be made on the renovated portion of the Creek. Can you give and update on that? I haven't seen anything being done in the Greenbriar Park area before the RR bridge. Maybe they have just gotten delayed?
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