Trail Map
We invite you to explore the Rivanna Trail and its network of connecting trails. |
The Rivanna Trails exist thanks to generous landowners and the work of many willing volunteers.
Never underestimate what a few volunteers can do.
Support the Three Notched Trail
The Three Notched Trail is a 25-mile car-free trail proposed to run from Charlottesville to Afton Mountain -- and someday be a key link connecting the Capital Trail in Richmond to the Shenandoah Valley. Find more information at www.ThreeNotchedTrail.com.
Upcoming events
| Recent blog posts
| Trail UsageIn 2022, the RTF and CAMBC began a project to better quantify usage of the Rivanna Trail. We are using TRAFx infrared trail counters to track the volume of pedestrians and cyclists at various locations along the trail. Locations will rotate over time to help us better understand and manage our trail system. We'll share some statistics and insights here at a later date. |
Trails Connecting the Community |